SBGN-ML, the markup language developed as part of the libSBGN project, is nearing it’s Milestone 2 release. The SBML Layout library currently fully implements the Process Diagram notation of SBGN-ML. (Work on implementing Activity Flow / Entity Relationship diagrams has started but is not anywhere close to ready.)
This is to announce a new online application:
This is how the page looks:
The site displays all current SBGN files from ProcessDiagram, ActivityFlow and EntityRelationship. Only the SBMLLayout column will be rendered every time. Information from PathVisio and SBGN-ED are cached and updated periodically.
You can change the directory, that is being displayed by selecting the Customize button on the top of the page, these options are available:
Where a different URL can be chosen (you could for example display the examples from Milestone 1 or the general examples). You also can display or hide individual columns.
As last option you can directly upload or point to any URL of an SBGN file that should be rendered.
More at COMBINE …