I’ve just upgraded the SED-ML Web Tools to a newer version.
This version includes several bug fixes, as well as an experimental version of CellML simulation support. The CellML simulation support is thanks to an executable based on the CellML API provided by David Nickerson.
To accommodate this there have been several changes to the LibSedML API, where previously the API would have properties like .SBML or functions like GetSBMLId(), now these functions are hidden behind a native interface IModelingLanguage that will be populated based on the Model source URN as provided in the SED-ML file. This should make it easy to provide support for other languages such as NeuroML and VCellML as well.
I have also released a new version of the SED-ML Script editor. It now allows to open SBML or CellML files directly, for which then a rudimentary SED-ML file will be generated. Later it can be modified for more complex experiments. It also provides SED-ML validation capabilities. This time it is a windows only release (since I only have the CellML simulator as windows binary). It is available from SourceForge: