For a long time now roadRunner has the capability to calculate the frequency response for the currently loaded model. Of course the functionality was never used, as it was not exposed in any of our interfaces. So for the upcoming release of SBW 2.7.9 I have integrated a Frequency Analysis Control with the ‘Simulation Tool’. What is different from previous applications that we had, is that now it is integrated with the environment, that is now it is possible to change the parameters, and interactively explore the frequency response. Of course the values can be exported directly to Excel (or your favorite CSV viewer), or printed. You could try it out in the release candidate to SBW 2.7.9.
What you see on the picture is that the simple linear chain model that we include with the SBW installation acts as a low pass, that is it will let a signal with low frequencies through, but not signals with high frequencies.