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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Release of libSEDML 0.3.0

Just in time for HARMONY 2014 I am pleased to announce the release of libSEDML 0.3.0, the source of which is available for download from:

New Features:

  • Support for SED-ML L1V2
  • Support for Notes / Annotations in both versions
  • Support for AddXML / ChangeXML

Bug fixes:

  • sorted issues in supporting both versions and their namespaces
  • numerous improvements

Thanks of course to Sarah Keating, without whom the project would not have been possible, to Bertrand Moreau for helping to improve the CMake build and the Python Bindings.

Please report any issues with libSEDML to:

or directly to me.

Examples for the use of each of the API is available online. If you prefer there to be binaries available for any specific binding language / platform, please let me know.


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