Brett Olivier was here last week in HD, and we made quite some progress on the FBC specification. We also started with a test suite for tools implementing the FBC package. And as can be expected, these tests revealed quite some room in the original FBA Tool that from 2009.
The new version fully supports the SBML FBC package, will properly inform whether a solution was found or not, and sorts a number of problems (such as dealing with infinite bounds). The new version is still aimed as teaching tool, but now is much better suited as such. The list of changes:
- fixed issue with infinite bounds
- fixed issue accessing the results from the c library
- added display of objective value and solution quality to status bar
- added export of LP files
- added import of COPASI / Jarnac files (if latest SBW is installed)
In any case I started a github page for the project, where the first windows installer is available for download: